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異質空間 The Third Space
異質空間(也稱為“第三空間/The Third Space”)的概念由美國學者愛德華·W·索亞(Edward W. Soja)最先提出并運用,他將個體與環(huán)境的獨特性解釋為“hybrid 混合”。在本次展覽的策劃中,我們沿用“HYBRID/混合”這一概念,并將其放置到城市生活的語境中——現實生活的快節(jié)奏與虛擬世界里超負荷的信息量是當下城市生活重要的特征。人們既在現實中親身構筑一幅幅程式化的生活圖景,也在網絡中以旁觀者的身份瀏覽、評論。在參與和反觀之間,真實與想象被融解重鑄,構成了我們在此討論的異質空間—— 一種“第三化”以及“他者化”的空間。 展覽信息 Info About the Exhibition 異質空間 The Third Space 2020.7.5- 2020.7.25 南希藝術畫廊 展覽導言 在現代社會,時間的存在感被不斷地極限化,它從人們腕上的手表、家里的掛鐘轉移到了電子屏幕上不會發(fā)出“嘀嗒”聲的一串數字。時間似乎是隱匿了——但在無數的日程表、“截止日期”之間它又再度顯示出極強的可視性。空間的狀態(tài)與之類似,交通的便捷提供了人們穿梭于不同地點的無限可能,但目的地的高速切換也同時模糊了“出發(fā)-抵達-離開”的體驗。城市生活消弭著時間與空間的界限,混沌著可視性與隱秘性的區(qū)分,在現實與想象之間堆疊出了一個異質空間。在異質空間里,人們既是參與者,又是旁觀者,現象既真實、又虛幻,恰如其分地呈現了眾多城市人抽離的狀態(tài)。 本次展覽將由藝術家杜海軍、廖揚參展,他們的作品一方觀念、一方具象,一者讓人站在遠處觀望的視角,一者將人推到現實生活的跟前,由此,異質空間的可視性與隱秘性被全面地呈現。 Introduction of the Exhibition In modern society, the sense of time has been either lessened or magnified. It has shifted from people’s watches and clocks to a series of numbers that will not make any sound on electronic screens. The existence of time seems to be hidden, however, it again shows great visibility when it comes to countless schedules and deadlines. Similar condition as the state of “space”. The convenience of transportation provides possibilities for people to move between different locations, but the high-speed switching of destinations also blurs the "depart-arrive-leave" experience . Urban life eliminates the boundary between time and space, chaotically distinguishes between visibility and invisibility, thus a heterogeneous space is stacked between reality and imagination. In a heterogeneous space, people are both participants and bystanders, and the phenomenon is both real and illusory, appropriately presenting the state of dissociation of many citizens. This exhibition presents artists Du Haijun and Liao Yang’s artworks. Their works are both conceptual and figurative. The visibility and occultity is fully presented among them. 關于藝術家 About the Artists 杜海軍 Du Haijun 藝術家杜海軍生于江蘇宜興,畢業(yè)于中國美術學院,現居上海。他在國內外多次舉辦展覽,數次獲得藝術界大獎,包括第十一屆全國美展優(yōu)秀獎,法國沙龍?zhí)匮u審團頒出的繪畫類金獎。他的作品被中國美術館,韓國領事館,香港海港城等收藏,并曾應邀在斯洛伐克駐北京大使館展出。 在杜海軍的作品中,我們可以看到他對都市化的理解,以及這樣的方寸空間是如何低聲訴說著城市生活的秘密的。在杜海軍的眼中,“城市就像無數個抽屜,每一個抽屜都裝著不同的家庭,不同的生活;城市也像是一臺臺電視機,無休止地播放著生活的肥皂劇。而我們每一個人既是觀眾,又是演員。城市如此,人生如斯?!?/P>
城市節(jié)奏 City Rhythm / 杜海軍 Du Haijun 60cm x 100cm / 布面油畫 Oil on Canvas Born in Jiangsu province in 1978, Du Haijun graduated from China Academy of Art and now living in Shanghai. He has participated in either domestic and international exhibitions and was awarded for many prizes, including the Golden Award for the International Salon of France. Du’s work demonstrates his understanding of how urbanization remoulds cityscape and how such squared residences wisper the secrecy of everyday drama. His "N Windows" has been collected by the National Art Museum of China, "Office Story" has been collected by the Harbor City, Hong Kong, and “Window” and “Cellist” by Korean Consulate. 廖揚 Liao Yang 藝術家廖揚二零零五年畢業(yè)于上海大學美術學院,現任職于上海大學美術學院。其作品《上海早上八點六十》入選第十八屆全國版畫展并獲優(yōu)秀作品獎;《小巷故事多》入選第十一屆全國美展并獲銀獎;《入冬》入選第十九屆全國版畫展覽;《遲到的公交》,入選第二十屆全國版畫展覽并獲優(yōu)秀獎,《爸爸媽媽去哪兒了》獲全國美展優(yōu)秀獎,作品被中國美術館、上海美術館等機構收藏。 廖揚善于思考社會現象,捕捉生活中的精彩點滴并呈現到作品中。他的作品大多以市井生活為題材,反映高速發(fā)展的經濟給人們的生活與價值觀帶來的沖擊與思考。版畫語言的冷靜更為廖揚的作品注入了一種達觀的態(tài)度。 Born in Jiangsu province in 1978, Du Haijun graduated from China Academy of Art and now living in Shanghai. He has participated in either domestic and international exhibitions and was awarded for many prizes, including the Golden Award for the International Salon of France. Du’s work demonstrates his understanding of how urbanization remoulds cityscape and how such squared residences wisper the secrecy of everyday drama. His "N Windows" has been collected by the National Art Museum of China, "Office Story" has been collected by the Harbor City, Hong Kong, and “Window” and “Cellist” by Korean Consulate. 對于自己的創(chuàng)作,廖揚每次動筆前都會花很長的時間來思考畫什么能打動自己也感動他人。他曾說,“我是每天兩點一線典型的上班族。根本沒時間去經歷太多事情,和大多數人一樣默默地生活在這個城市里。這樣的平淡和規(guī)律使我更有興致來觀察生活中存在的點點滴滴。很多人都問我為什么總能碰到這些有意思的場景。其實動人的事情每天都在上演。動人不見得是一場刺激的冒險或是一段刻骨銘心的感情,對我來說它就是那樣的平凡,卻又轉瞬即逝。” 后記 2020,一場疫情給了人們意外的機會放慢現實生活的節(jié)奏,同時也擴容了網絡世界的信息規(guī)模,我們所說的“異質空間”其實就在同時堆疊擴大。居家期間,在有限平方的空間之內,我們反觀自己的生活,關注社會的動態(tài)—— 異質空間,是否成了一個讓我們清醒、得以喘息的地帶? 內容策劃:謝雨欣(Echo) “ 歡迎各位前來觀展! Welcome all of you to this exhibition! ”
Nancy’s Gallery Tel& Fax: (8621) 64668146
Mobile: (+86) 13671863626 機構網站:http://www.nancyartspace.com |
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